Everyone has heard of anorexia and bulimia. But these eating disorders are far from the only ones. There are people around the world who can only...
Chocolate is a favorite delicacy for people, but for cats and dogs it is a real poison, writes the magazine ” Sciences et Avenir” and explains...
A glass of red wine causes a headache, which can be caused by a variety of factors, one of the main culprits being histamines. Histamines are...
Scientists and doctors have considered red wine to be healthy for years. A study linked moderate alcohol consumption – defined as one drink or less per...
The pollen originates from those parts of the plant that are particularly important for the development of the plant species. Therefore, it contains substances of high...
Is it true that beer is good for the kidneys? Beer is associated with entertainment, evening gatherings and relaxation. At the same time, many myths and...
More than 47,000 tonnes of sugar have been removed from soft drinks alone in the UK since the authorities introduced a two-tier system of additional taxation...
One of the most commonly consumed fruits is the tomato, which we often think of as a vegetable. The tomatoes juice is wonderful, we can add...
Tea has a long journey from China, where, according to legend, its history began in 2737 BC. through tea ceremonies in Japan, where tea was imported...
Everyone is aware of the benefits of garlic. This vegetable protects us from the flu by strengthening our immune system. It is recommended to consume it...