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Why does a glass of red wine cause a headache?




A glass of red wine causes a headache, which can be caused by a variety of factors, one of the main culprits being histamines. Histamines are natural compounds found in wine, and red wine, in particular, has higher levels than white wine. When consumed, histamines can cause allergic reactions in some people, leading to symptoms such as headaches.

Red wine gets its rich color and strong aroma from the grape skins that are in contact with the grape juice during the fermentation process. This prolonged contact results in a higher concentration of compounds, including histamines. Histamines are also found in grape skins and can be released during grape crushing and fermentation. In people sensitive to histamines, the body’s reaction to these compounds may include headaches.

In addition, red wine contains another substance known as tyramine. Tyramine is a naturally occurring amino acid that can cause blood vessels to constrict and then dilate, which can lead to headaches. Some people are more susceptible to the effects of tyramine and for them consumption of red wine can cause headaches. Another contributing factor to red wine headaches is the presence of sulfites. Sulfites are compounds commonly used as preservatives in wine. Although they occur naturally to some extent, winemakers often add additional sulfites to preserve wine freshness and prevent spoilage. Some people are sensitive to sulfites, and this sensitivity can manifest as headaches or migraines. Additionally, the alcohol content of red wine may also play a role in causing headaches. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production, leading to dehydration. Dehydration can contribute to headaches, and when combined with other factors such as histamines and tyramine, it can increase the likelihood of a wine-induced headache.

It is important to note that individual reactions to red wine may vary. Factors such as genetics, general health, and personal sensitivities play a significant role in determining how someone reacts to the compounds found in red wine. For those who consistently experience headaches after consuming red wine, it may be beneficial to explore alternatives that are lower in histamine and sulfites or consult a health professional to determine specific triggers and find ways to alleviation of symptoms. Additionally, staying hydrated and drinking wine in moderation can help minimize the risk of headaches associated with red wine consumption.

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Health & Society

Over 16,000 students expelled from schools in Greece



Over 16,000 students have been expelled from schools in Greece for using mobile phones in class, after a ban on the devices was introduced, reports the Bulgarian National Radio correspondent in Greece.

Despite the children’s apparent resistance to the regulation, it will be strictly enforced, announced the Minister of Education Kyriakos Pierakakis. For the first offense, the student is removed from class for one day and his parents are informed, for the second offense, expulsion and transfer to another school follow.

Psychologists confirm that there is a direct connection between the use of mobile phones and the mental health of adolescents. Many students are dependent on their social contacts on the Internet, experts say.

On the other hand, teachers’ observations show that children concentrate and learn much more easily without their mobile phones.

Parents also fully support the decision of the Ministry of Education and even believe that the ban in schools somewhat helps children reduce their dependence on phones.

Illustrative Photo by Valerie:


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Baby gorilla found at airport recovers, even gains weight in Istanbul



A 5-month-old gorilla was rescued from the cargo hold of a plane and is now recovering at a zoo in Istanbul as wildlife officials consider returning it to its natural habitat. The gorilla was found last month in a crate on a Turkish Airlines flight from Nigeria to Thailand, CBS News reported in January. After a public competition, he was named Zeytin, which means olive, and is recovering.

Zeytin Gains Weight

Weeks after being found at the airport, Zeytin has gained weight and is showing signs of recovery from his traumatic journey.

“When he first came, he was very shy, he would stay where we left him,” said veterinarian Gulfem Esmen. “Now he doesn’t have that shyness. He doesn’t even care much about us. He plays games by himself.”

Of course, what we want and desire is for the baby gorilla … to continue his life in his homeland,” Fahrettin Oulu, Istanbul’s regional director for nature conservation and national parks, said on Sunday.

“The important thing is that an absolutely safe environment is created wherever he goes,” he added.

Illegal trade appears to pass through Istanbul

As Istanbul becomes a major air hub between continents, customs officials are increasingly catching illegally traded animals. In October, 17 young Nile crocodiles and 10 monitor lizards were found in the luggage of an Egyptian passenger at the city’s Sabiha Gokcen Airport.

Illustrative Photo by Andrea Acanfora:


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Romanian Church Encourages Organ Donation



The Romanian Orthodox Church encourages Christians to donate their organs when it is necessary to save the life of another person. This is clear from a text recently published on the official website of the Romanian Patriarchate.

A living person can donate a part of the liver, bone marrow or a kidney to a terminally ill person. The Church encourages this donation when it is an act of love for the sick person, is not a “subject of transactions”, is carried out voluntarily and with the full mental clarity of the donor, with a clearly expressed written consent. The Church blesses people who can possibly make such sacrifices, but also understands those who cannot do so, respecting the freedom of decision of each person.

Until now, the Church had been involved in the public debate on the use of organs of a deceased person for transplantation. According to the Church’s position, organ donation is an act of self-giving for one’s neighbor and can be encouraged, but excluding the possibility of abuse. “Although it is claimed that donation is an expression of love, it in no way creates a moral obligation to donate; the act of donation is a complete and unquestionable manifestation of free will. Only the donor’s conscious consent reveals his love and spirit of sacrifice, trust and interest in his neighbor.” Consent may be given by relatives, but only after “the law has provided clear rules regarding consent in order to avoid doubts about the sale of organs by relatives.”

Furthermore, in order to prevent abuses, such as are possible when it comes to life-saving and expensive operations, the church’s position states: “Death as the effective cessation of life implies: 1) cardiac arrest; 2) lack of spontaneous breathing; 3) brain death. These three conditions must be fulfilled simultaneously and completely in order to avoid regrettable errors.” And further: “Death as the separation of the soul from the body remains a mystery. No one will be able to say with certainty that this separation coincides with brain death; can coincide with, precede or follow brain death. Being created in the image of God, man is valuable to the extent that his original image is reflected in him. As long as he fulfills the commandment of love and remains in God, who is love, he is a member of the Church of Christ. From this point of view, donating an organ, tissue and even a drop of blood out of love for his neighbor means the self-giving and sacrifice of the whole person in the same mystical Body of Christ, which excludes the view of the human body as a mere means of physically healing someone or as a storehouse for spare organs”.

The Church cannot agree with the transplantation of embryonic tissues, which carries a risk of affecting the health of the fetus, nor with the use of the organs of acephalic or hydrocephalic newborns for transplantation. In the same way, we cannot agree with the tendency for some to become organ donors on condition that they are euthanized.

It also calls for the rejection of “any transactions with human organs and any exploitation of critical situations and vulnerabilities of potential donors (those deprived of mental or physical freedom and other vulnerable social groups)”.

Regarding doctors involved in the transplantation process, it says: “The gift of knowledge and discovery comes from God; man has the responsibility to use this knowledge not against his neighbor and the world, but to maintain the dignified presence of the person in creation and to realize the meaning of existence. In this context, the doctor must be aware that he is an instrument and collaborator of God in eliminating the manifestation of evil in the world as suffering.”

Illustrative photo: Orthodox icon of Virgin Mary The Healer


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