victor osimhen – EuroTimes Exclusive European News Fri, 21 Jul 2023 03:01:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230734540 Rudi Garcia doesn’t give up Victor Osimhen Fri, 21 Jul 2023 03:01:36 +0000 rudi-garcia-doesn’t-give-up-victor-osimhen

Rudi Garcia’s words. Rudi Garcia also spoke about the market after the first friendly of the season against Anaune Val di Non: “Victor Osimhen wants to stay, we all want him to stay in Naples. I want him happy and if he is happy he will still have a great season.” “The boys are serene, […]]]>
Napoli, Rudi Garcia speaks out on Osimhen and post-Kim Tue, 18 Jul 2023 00:00:33 +0000 napoli,-rudi-garcia-speaks-out-on-osimhen-and-post-kim

Rudi Garcia doesn’t shy away from questions about Napoli’s market From Dimaro Folgarida, the site of Napoli’s summer training camp, new coach Rudi Garcia answered questions from the audience attending an event at which, in addition to the French coach, a number of members of the Italian champions’ squad also participated. They could not miss, […]]]>
Psg wants Osimhen, but De Laurentiis is demanding a record amount Wed, 10 May 2023 08:31:10 +0000 psg-wants-osimhen,-but-de-laurentiis-is-demanding-a-record-amount

Psg wants Osimhen, but De Laurentiis is demanding a record amount Victor Osimhen is one of the names that would be on the list of purchase for Paris Saint-Germain. The club will say goodbye Lionel Messi by the end of this season and are looking for a top forward to boost their Champions League ambitions. […]]]>