Spain – EuroTimes Exclusive European News Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:55:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230734540 Lia Kali on psychiatry: “a child tied to a bed, even for ten minutes… is torture” Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:55:01 +0000 lia-kali-on-psychiatry:-“a-child-tied-to-a-bed,-even-for-ten-minutes…-is-torture”

It struck a chord with many when it was released a year ago. The song sheds light on the flaws and mistreatment prevalent in psychiatric facilities, drawing attention from both the audience and critics. Recently, Lia Kali shared her journey behind the song on the popular Spanish TV show “El Hormiguero” on Antena 3TV where […]]]>
U21, England is European champion: Curtis Jones decides Sat, 08 Jul 2023 20:15:39 +0000 u21,-england-is-european-champion:-curtis-jones-decides

England wins Under21 European Championships: Spain beaten 1-0 England conquers the Under21 European Championship. The Three Lions, in fact, defeated Spain 1-0, graduating champions 39 years after the last time. Decisive for the English success were Liverpool midfielder Curtis Jones, author of the winning goal, and James Trafford, who in the dying minutes after saving […]]]>
Antidepressants and mental health, a damn billion-dollar business Thu, 15 Jun 2023 07:15:34 +0000 antidepressants-and-mental-health,-a-damn-billion-dollar-business

The consumption of antidepressants keeps increasing in a world that looks easier for the pill than for finding the actual problem and solving it. In 2004, the Medicines Agency carried out a study in which it made it clear that the consumption of antidepressants had increased threefold in the world. At that time we still […]]]>
Life and Drugs, Part 1, An Overview Thu, 08 Jun 2023 00:08:18 +0000 life-and-drugs,-part-1,-an-overview

Drugs //  “It is better and more useful to meet a problem in time than to seek a remedy after the damage is done” explains a Latin saying of the mid-13th Century. According to the Council of the European Union (Review August 2022): Drugs are a complex social and health phenomenon that affects millions of […]]]>