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The simple truth of ECT: No one should receive shock treatment



Peter R. Breggin, MD, is a lifelong reformer who is known as “The conscience of psychiatry” because of his criticism of biological psychopathology and his promotion of more ethical, empathic and effective forms of psychological, educational and social approaches for people with emotional pain and disability. He graduated with honors from Harvard College and his psychiatric education included a Teaching Fellowship in Harvard Medical School. After his training, he was appointed as a Full-Time Consultant at the National Institute of Mental Health, part of the U.S. Public Health Service. Since then, he’s taught at Johns Hopkins University, George Mason University, University of Maryland and Washington School of Psychiatry.

The brain is damaged by ECT.. ECT (electroconvulsive treatment) involves the application two electrodes on the head in order to pass electricity through brain with the aim of causing a convulsion or intense seizure. The process always damages brain cells, resulting in a temporary state of coma, and sometimes a flatlining of brain waves.

After one, two, or three ECTs the trauma causes typical symptoms associated with severe head injury or trauma, including headache, nausea and memory loss. There may also be confusion, impaired judgement, emotional instability, and disorientation. As the treatment progresses, some of these harmful effects become permanent.

ECT was first introduced in 1938. Since the 1960s, modifications have been made. They are neither new nor safer. These modifications make it more difficult to induce a seizure. Modern ECT uses stronger and more damaging doses.

The purpose of ECT is to cause a severe seizure or convulsion. The process ALWAYS damages the brain and causes mental dysfunction.

ECT damages the brain. The initial trauma may cause an artificial euphoria, which ECT doctors mistakenly refer to as an improvement. After several ECTs, a damaged person will become increasingly apathetic and indifferent. They may even become robotic. Memory loss and confusion become worse. This helpless person becomes docile, unable to express their distress or complaints. Doctors mistakenly refer to this as an improvement, but it actually indicates a severe and disabling injury to the brain.

Effects of ECT on the body

Memory is permanently damaged by ECT, and other long-term mental dysfunctional symptoms such as difficulty with concentration and learning new things are also caused. Memory loss is common, especially for important past events such as weddings, birthdays and vacations. It can also affect educational experiences, housekeeping skills, or professional skills. The sense of self and identity can be destroyed, and family members often say that their loved ones “were never the same again.”
They are docile, submissive and obedient.

Numerous animal studies have shown that clinical ECT can cause small hemorrhages in the brain, as well as patches where cells die. The newly discovered ECT induced Neurogenesis (growth new brain cells) does not confirm brain injury, but rather confirms it. Neurogenesis is the body’s response to brain injury, which can be caused by many things including Traumatic Head Injury (TBI).

ECT is not a treatment of last resort, because it doesn’t work and can cause recovery to be ruined. ECT can lead to suicide and not prevent it. Controlled
Clinical trials have shown that ECT is no more effective than sham ECT, which is anesthesia without shock.


ECT blunts the emotional life of the person during the acute phase after brain injury, for approximately 4 weeks. After that the person remains depressed.
Brain damage is a secondary affliction. There is ample evidence that ECT should not be used. ECT is involuntary because it destroys the ability for protest. When ECT is already underway, relatives or others who are concerned should intervene immediately to stop it. If necessary, they can use an attorney.


Depressed and severely disturbed individuals need good individual, couple, or family therapy instead of ECT. Families should be actively involved in therapy with their loved ones.

Always consider stopping all psychiatric medications, as psychiatric medication can cause or worsen depression and anxiety.
Through a carefully monitored withdrawal.

Recovery often begins with the removal of psychiatric medications. Peter R. Breggin MD, Psychiatric Drug withdrawal: A guide for prescribers, therapists, patients and their families (2013).

Important Points to Remember

ECT is not a treatment of last resort, because it doesn’t work and can ruin your future recovery.

After receiving one or more ECTs the brain-damaged person becomes too docile or confused to protest or resist. Family members, concerned individuals or advocates must intervene in order to prevent further injury. Stopping shock will not cause any harm
Treatment is possible, but the number of ECTs will increase harm.

ECT should not be allowed because it is always involuntary, and it can cause severe damage to the mind and brain.

How to Access Resources

More than 125 articles in scientific journals and other relevant materials are available at Dr. Peter Breggin’s “ECT Resources Center” which is available free of charge online at

The table of contents includes search terms that are extensive, such as “Memory loss” and “brain damage“For Dr. Breggin’s medical textbook chapter about ECT, see his book. Brain-Disabling Treatments for PsychiatryDrugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex. Second Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Permission is granted to reprint or distribute this publication, in hardcopy form or digitally, provided that it is free of charge and the copyrights are included.

Copyright 2013 by Peter R. Breggin MD.


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